
Simone Soderi

Assistant Professor

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About me

I received my doctoral degree (Dr.Sc. Tech) from the University of Oulu (Finland). As the years went by, I gained good experience in short-range wireless communications and cybersecurity solutions by exploiting the physical layer security. My research focuses on multilevel cybersecurity, particularly in critical infrastructure systems.

I am an IEEE Senior Member and have been a TPC member in several conferences. I serve as a reviewer IEEE Transaction on Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) and IEEE Wireless Communications Magazine. I also serve as an Editor reviewer Frontiers in Communcations and Networks - Non-Conventional Communications and Networks section. Furthermore, I hold five patents (wireless communications and positioning).

Today, I am an Assistant Professor at IMT School for Advanced Studies Lucca within the SySMA research unit. I work on cybersecurity projects in collaboration with CINI National Laboratory for Cybesecurity.

In 2020, I served CINI as National Coordinator of the CyberChallenge.IT project and I collaborated at the first edition of the Italian cybersecurity olympiad: OliCyber.IT.

Since 2024, I have been a member of the working group of COST Action CA22168 - Physical layer security for trustworthy and resilient 6G systems (6G-PHYSEC). The COST Action 6G-PHYSEC aims to propose novel physical layer security (PLS) solutions to develop a trustworthy and resilient 6G.

I currently give lectures on cybersecurity management and on security engineering as a multidisciplinary approach to cybersecurity.

Research Areas

Selected Publications

Please look at the links at the top of the page for a full list of my publications. 

My Doctoral Thesis

