
Fabio Pinelli

Associate Professor

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About me

I am an Associate Professor of Computer Science within the SySMA research unit of IMT Lucca

Currently, I am Research Associate to HPC Lab at ISTI, CNR, Pisa  

I worked as a research scientist at IBM Research, Ireland, Dublin; then, I held senior data scientist positions at Tiscali , Cloud4Wi, and Vodafone. I received my PhD in Information Engineering from the University of Pisa in 2010, where I worked at KDD Lab, CNR, Pisa. During my PhD, I was a visiting researcher at Senseable City Lab at M.I.T., Cambridge, MA, US.


2nd Workshop on  Generative AI for Mobility Data

Submission deadline: March 20, 2025*


Research Activities

My research interests are Data Mining and Machine Learning and their application in different domains. In my early scientific career, I have mainly focused on the development of Data Mining frameworks for spatiotemporal data to be applied to Urban Dynamics and Intelligent Transportation systems. In the most recent years, I have worked on machine learning pipelines for business and marketing problems.

Currently, I am working on:

Recent Publications

Selected Publications 

See my Google Scholar profile or my DBLP page for a full list of publications.
