
Cosimo Perini Brogi


About me

I am assistant professor (RTDa) in theoretical computer science, working within the NextGenerationEU project “Securing softWare frOm first PrincipleS” (SERICS-SWOPS). 

My previous post-doc position at IMT Lucca was funded by the PRIN 2017FTXR7S Project IT-Matters, and I worked on formal methods for decentralised and self-organising systems.

Between 2022 and 2023, I worked on modal logics for meta-mathematics and certified programming at the University of Barcelona, supported by an "academic+industrial" grant from the Catalan Foundation for Research and Innovation.

I successfully defended my PhD thesis at the Department of Mathematics of the University of Genoa in July 2022.

Research Activities

My specialisation centres on mathematical logic, with research spanning the domains of computer science, mathematics, and philosophy. 

My main focus areas include:

I have worked on (classical and intuitionistic) modal logics, sequent calculi, natural deduction systems, functional programming languages and type systems, computerised mathematics, software verification.

I am also interested in the interplay between mathematics, literature, and music.

Selected Publications

See my DBLP page for a full list of publications. Additional research output of mine is collected in my personal webpage