About me
I am an Assistant Professor (RTD-A) of Computer Science within the SySMA research unit of IMT Lucca. Previously I was a postdoctoral researcher at the Université Côte d’Azur (Nice, France) as member of the Maasai team and at Università di Siena at the Siena Artificial Intelligence Lab (SAILab). I recived my Ph.D. in Computer Science (Smart Computing) from the Universities of Florence, Pisa, and Siena in 2020.
Research Activities
My research interests lie in Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence. Specifically, I focus on studying Machine Learning algorithms for processing data streams that exhibit dynamical properties. My research encompasses both theoretical exploration and practical applications in Computer Vision. From the theoretical standpoint, I have proposed and developed a framework rooted in Calculus of Variations for interpreting laws of learning. In the visual domain, I have applied these ideas to develop learning agents that utilize deep architectures to extract features that consider motion-induced regularities. Currently, I am working on formulating online continual learning in a principled manner, aiming to investigate the relationship between learning problems over time and optimal control.
In addition to these activities, I have recently studies a singular transport equation that arises as a formal limit of the discrete open mancala game.
Prior to my PhD, I obtained a Master’s Degree in Theoretical Physics from the University of Pisa. During my master’s studies, I focused on investigating the large-N CP(N-1) sigma model on a finite interval in connection with solitonic solutions, which are believed to be relevant for the problem of confinement in QCD.
(with Marco Gori and Stefano Melacci) Machine Learning, A Constraint-Based Approach (Cambridge, Mass.: Morgan Kaufmann) Second Edition March 2023, xviii+537 pp.
(with Marco Gori and Stefano Melacci) Deep Learning to See, Towards New Foundations of Computer Vision (Cham: Springer, 2022), xiv+105 pp. (SpringerBriefs in Computer Science).
Selected Publications
(with Giovanni Bellettini, Maurizio Paolini) A free boundary singular transport equation as a formal limit of a discrete dynamical system. Journal of Differential Equations 396, (2024).
(with Lapo Faggi, Dario Zanca, Stefano Melacci and Marco Gori) Local Propagation of Visual Stimuli in Focus of Attention. Neurocomputing 560 (2023).
(with Giuseppe Boccignone, Lapo Faggi, Marco Gori and Stefano Melacci) Visual Features and Their Own Optical Flow. Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence 4 (2021).
(with Marco Gori and Stefano Melacci) Learning Visual Features Under Motion Invariance. Neural Networks 126 (2020), 275–299.
(with Marco Gori and Stefano Melacci) Cognitive Action Laws: The Case of Visual Features. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems 31 (2020), 938–949.
(with Marco Gori) The Principle of Least Cognitive Action. Theoretical Computer Science 633 (2016), 83–99.
(with Michele Casoni, Marco Gori, Simone Marullo, Stefano Melacci, Matteo Tiezzi) Neural Time-Reversed Generalized Riccati Equation. The Thirty-Eighth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-24).
(with Matteo Tiezzi, Simone Marullo, Lapo Faggi, Enrico Meloni and Stefano Melacci) Stochastic Coherence Over Attention Trajectory For Continuous Learning In Video Streams. Proceedings of the Thirty-First International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-22).
(with Matteo Tiezzi, Simone Marullo, Enrico Meloni, Lapo Faggi, Marco Gori and Stefano Melacci) Foveated Neural Computation. In: Amini, MR., Canu, S., Fischer, A., Guns, T., Kralj Novak, P., Tsoumakas, G. (eds) Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery in Databases. ECML PKDD 2022.
(with Matteo Tiezzi, Stefano Melacci, Marco Maggini and Marco Gori) Focus of Attention Improves Information Transfer in Visual Features. 34th Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS 2020), Vancouver, Canada.
(with Giuseppe Marra, Matteo Tiezzi, Stefano Melacci, Marco Maggini and Marco Gori) Local Propagation in Constraint-based Neural Networks. 2020 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN).
(with Marco Gori and Stefano Melacci) Motion Invariance in Visual Environments. 28th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI) (2019).
See my Google Scholar profile for a full list of publications.